Pukyong National University College of Fisheries Science Skip Navigation

COLLEGE OF FISHERIES SCIENCE We create a bright future of humanity with an open mind

Department of Aquatic Life Medicine

수산생명의학과 이미지
College of Fisheries Science Department of Aquatic Life Medicine
The Department of Fisheries Life Medicine teaches basic studies such as anatomy, physiology, biochemistry, histology, immunology, food hygiene and public health, as well as pharmacology, pathology, diagnosis and infectious diseases related to the occurrence of marine diseases, parasites, viruses, environments, and impressions of marine animals.
Through a curriculum organized with various academic theories and practices, it fosters human resources necessary to promote the health and public health of various aquatic organisms, and produces a number of fisheries disease managers who are experts in fisheries diseases under the national license system, which has been in effect since 2004.
Departmental Office 051-629-5935