Pukyong National University College of Fisheries Science Skip Navigation

COLLEGE OF FISHERIES SCIENCE We create a bright future of humanity with an open mind

NA RA(Oceanographic Research Vessel)

실습선(가야호) 사진
BAEK KYUNG(Training ship)
The principal mission of the training ship "BAEK KYUNG" is to conduct shipboard training and education for the prim ary marine officers and engineers who will serve as leading manpower for development of the fisheries industry in Korea, and to conduct the scientific research and investigation for rational conservation and exploitation of the marine resources and on the safe operation of fishing vessels, and to conduct the enhancement the nation's prestige abroad by means of the international cooperation in the field of marine industry and education.


  • 01PERFORMANCE The vessel is a stern trawler which has the hull structure to meet the requirem ents of IMO/SOLAS Convention and has construction with two continuous decks. She is ensuring sufficient seaworthiness to perform fishing and research activities under considerable heavy weather, and also designed and constructed to be able to navigate safely under all-weather condition of the global marine regions.
  • 02NAUTICAL EQUIPMENT The vessel is equipped with modern satellite navigation system, auto-pilot system, high-fidelity ARPA radar, and basic navigational equipment. These equipments are interfaced to the fishing gear system in order to be able to conduct scientific fishing operation and research activities.
  • 03PROPULSION SYSTEM The engine system is equipped with servomechanism so as to carry out the ship propulsion and operational training safely at the same time.
  • 04RADIO COMMUNICATION EQUIPMENT The radio room is equipped with the ultramodern marine communication system to meet the requirements of IMO/SOLAS Convention, and is also equipped with INMARSAT transceiver and GMDSS communication facilities.
  • 05TRAWL FISHING EQUIPMENT In order to carry out research activity for conservation and management of marine living resources and fishery training for the students, the vertical and horizontal fish finding system s, the net monitoring system and ultramodern traw winch are equipped, and these systems are interfaced to the nautical equipment so as to perform autom atic fishing operation.
  • 06EDUCATION AND LIMNG QUARTER There equipped with two lecture rooms fitted with A&V system and providing 130 seats, two separated practice rooms and two laboratories. All the living quarters and cabins have been designed to keep comfortable living condition.
  • 07MARINE SAFETY EQUIPMENT Ultramodern lifesaving equipment and safety facilities are equipped to meet the requirements of IMO/SOLAS Convention.